Creating a tailored sales process
It is a known fact that sales teams who use a structured sales process outperform those who don’t. Couple that with the fact that most people are willing to pay more for a great customer experience and you get a proven case for having a sales process in your organisation. However, many companies end up with one of the following:
- A complicated sales process that is too difficult to implement
- A variety of approaches across the organisation
- No process at all
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Our service is a combination of a consultancy and training process designed to help your team create an effective way to identify new opportunities, follow up and nurture them to improve your overall sales results. The process will focus on new business sales where most companies find they are not performing as well and includes:
- Review of your current sale process to ascertain what is currently included
- Review your key opportunities and your relationship with them
- Creating a workable and effective follow up process which fits in your overall sale process
- Training and mentoring including regular pipeline reviews to ensure the new process is embedded and developed
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