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Sales Team Training

As a Sales Director or MD, do you resonate with the following scenarios:

  1. You have some great Account managers in your team, but they lack new business development skills
  2. You have taken on a number of new, inexperienced Sales Managers
  3. You are tasked with developing new markets to boost growth

When undertaking sales and business development training it is key to consider both skills training as well as on-going mentoring to ensure that you get best return on investment. Through working with sales directors and business development managers I have found that they usually struggle with the following:

  • Segment the market effectively whilst creating a suitable approach to behavioural styles and target markets
  • Creating systems that allow them to follow up and service relationships regularly
  • Establish and utilize an effective sales process
  • Developing strong negotiating style

The training framework below is designed to cover these issues in detail whilst providing both skills training and mentoring. As your specific needs and background are yet to be clarified and discussed I have included a variety of topics which can be further tailored to suit your team.

1. Sales Skills development workshops:

Workshop length: 2 hours

What will be covered in the day: Training sessions delivered as workshops designed to improve both business development and sales knowledge and skills. I have included some examples of topics based on common requirements:

  • Sales styles
  • Interpersonal skills, getting more from customers meeting
  • Account Management V new sales
  • Order takers and order getters
  • Becoming a specialist in your field
  • Telephone skills
  • Negotiation skills

2. Sales process workshop for your team:

Workshop length: 4 hours

What will be covered in the day: I can tailor this to your requirements and will typically base it on interviews with you and the team. As this training is used to launch the new sales process we have created for your company, we will use the first part to launch and discuss the document. I have included other topic examples below based on common requirements for illustration:

  1. Presentation of the new sales process:
    What is the process and how to follow it successfully
    What is in the document and how to use it
  2. What are your sales gremlins?
    What is your sales style
    How to adopt it to suit your buyer
    How to get over your sales saboteurs
  3. Effective follow up
    Why is it important
    Setting up an effective process
    Asking hard questions

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