We all know that the human brain can do amazing things some great and some not so great. When looking up the difference between human and animal brains I found the following statement:
‘The main difference between humans’ brains and animals’ brains is that humans’ brain have a remarkable cognitive capacity, which is a crowning achievement of evolution whereas animals’ brains show comparatively less cognitive capacity.’
Mindset certainly falls within our cognitive capacity. The term growth mindset was coined by Carol Dweck of Stanford University. The theory categorizes human learning and intelligence patterns into two categories – fixed mindset and growth mindset.
When individuals believe that they can improve their abilities, intelligence, and talents through their efforts, it is termed as growth mindset. On the other hand, a fixed mindset is when individuals consider that their abilities and talents are constrained to a fixed set.
So how do you know if you have a growth mindset? I am sure that you will be able to find plenty of tests online if you are that way inclined. I think there is a simple way to determine this, when you come across a new challenge, do you:
- Get very worried, spend your time thinking up all the reasons why you can’t do it?
- Get excited and engage in finding the best way to deal with it yourself?
- Start looking for others who might be able to help you?
I would say that if you answered 1 you have a fixed mindset and if you answered 2 or 3 you have a growth mindset. This is a very broad way of looking at things and in many cases, it will depend on the challenge and your natural tendencies as we all have our preferences and interests.
In our work as a lead generation agency, we naturally come across many companies who are looking for growth. But does this mean all of our clients have a growth mindset? Not necessarily.
Despite saying that looking for others to help you when facing a challenge is a sign of a growth mindset, this can sometimes be the tip of the iceberg. Just like in the theory of omission by Ernest Hemingway, the true story is often hidden underneath the surface. Companies approach us for two main reasons:
- They want to grow their understanding of business development and work in partnership with an experienced team that can offer them a tailored strategy and delivery.
- They want to pass the buck to someone else, who by magic, will solve all their problems or at least can be blamed for not solving them.
I am sure you can work out for yourself who has a growth mindset out of the two but more importantly, who will get more out of working with us?
Most companies face a lot of challenges when working on their sales and lead generation, it is not easy to get consistent success and keep going in a linear line. More typically, you will find that you have ups and downs. Outsourcing your lead generation to a specialist is a good idea if:
- Your company is in the right place for it
- You have the resource to develop the leads in-house
- You are prepared to go on a discovery journey
- You are looking to work in partnership
If you tick all these boxes or want to check if you do, get in touch to discuss further.