Category Archives: Marketing

All the blogs under this category discuss general marketing. Whether it be cold calls, messaging or targeted campaigns.

Pipeline Development: The Key to Sustainable Business Growth

Ensuring a steady stream of potential customers is essential for survival and growth. This is where pipeline development comes in. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s a strategic process that can significantly impact your bottom line. Pipeline development is the process of identifying, qualifying, and nurturing potential customers or clients as they move through the various stages their buying process. It’s a proactive approach to sales that focuses on building relationships and creating a continuous flow of leads, prospects, and ultimately, closed deals.

Why is pipeline development important?

  1. Predictable revenue: A well-maintained pipeline allows you to forecast revenue with greater accuracy, making it easier to plan and allocate resources effectively.
  2. Consistent growth: By focusing on consistent lead generation and nurturing, you reduce the risk of experiencing fluctuations in sales and safeguard a steady stream of new business opportunities.
  3. Improved customer relationships: Pipeline development emphasises relationship building throughout the sales process, leading to stronger customer connections and increased loyalty.
  4. Increased sales efficiency: By prioritising the most promising leads and opportunities, your sales team can work more efficiently and close deals faster.

How does pipeline development fit into your current activities?

Pipeline development isn’t just for large businesses. It’s a valuable asset for teams of all sizes. Whether your sales team is 1 or 100 people, incorporating pipelines can yield significant benefits. Pipeline development should be an integral part of your overall sales and marketing strategy, integrated into your existing processes and activities.

  • Lead generation: Continuously generating new leads through various channels like content marketing, outreach activities, social media, events, and referrals.
  • Lead qualification: Assessing and prioritising leads based on their fit with your ideal customer profile and their likelihood to convert.
  • Lead nurturing: Building relationships with leads through targeted communication, content, and engagement to move them along the sales funnel.
  • Sales conversion: Closing deals with qualified leads through effective sales conversations and proposals.

Are you doing enough pipeline development?

Ask yourself these questions to decide if your pipeline development is working effectively.

  • Do you have a clearly defined target audience?
  • Are you consistently generating new leads?
  • Do you have a system for qualifying leads?
  • Are you actively nurturing your leads?
  • Do you track your pipeline metrics regularly?

If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” then you might not be doing enough. Remember, pipeline development is not a one-time activity. It’s an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and refinement, and there are some steps that you can take to improve your pipeline including:

  • Setting clear goals: Define your target audience, ideal customer profile, and revenue targets.
  • Diversifying your lead sources: Don’t rely on a single channel for lead generation.
  • Investing in lead nurturing: Provide valuable content and personalized communication to build relationships with your leads.
  • Tracking your progress: Regularly analyse your pipeline metrics to identify areas for improvement.
  • Adapting and evolving: Your pipeline development strategy should be flexible and responsive to changes in the market.

The question with these steps is of course “how.” YBDT have been supporting business’s pipeline development for 9 years. Investing in well-defined and integrated pipeline development support you can ensure a consistent flow of new business opportunities, improve customer relationships, and achieve greater predictability in your sales and revenue.

Make sure you are doing enough pipeline development by booking a discovery call with YBDT today.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, ask for client referrals

(Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash )

Strong relationships with existing clients are crucial to your business. However, relying solely on repeat business can expose you to unforeseen fluctuations.  Economic downturns, changes in client needs, or even personnel shifts within customer organisations can suddenly disrupt your income. Extending your client base is essential for long-term success, and one of the best ways of achieving that is through client referrals.

A steady stream of referrals builds trust and positions your company as a leader within your industry. Potential clients are more likely to engage with a business visibly endorsed by the businesses already using them. Referred clients arrive with an assumed level of trust established by the positive experiences of their colleagues or associates. This translates to shorter sales cycles and less time spent convincing them of your value proposition. People trust the recommendations of those they know and respect. A glowing referral carries far more weight than any marketing message your company can create, fostering a stronger connection even before the initial interaction.

While referrals are highly valuable, there is a right and wrong way to solicit them:

Service Delivery: Start with making sure you are worthy of a referral. Exceptional client experiences are the cornerstone of this. Consistently exceed expectations, resolve issues promptly, and maintain clear, consistent communication.

Strategic Timing: Identify opportune moments to request referrals, such as after successful project completions or when clients express their satisfaction with your work. 

Streamlined Request Process: Simplify your referral process. Develop a clear, concise script for your request. Briefly outline the benefits of referrals for both your business and theirs. Offer readily accessible referral materials, such as flyers and links.

Selective Incentives: While offering a small token of appreciation can be a thoughtful gesture, building a referral program solely on incentives isn’t sustainable. The genuine satisfaction of helping a trusted partner should be the primary motivator.

Tracking and Follow-Up: Keep a record of referral requests and follow-up with thank you notes, regardless of the outcome.

Beyond that, cultivating referrals by building relationships with complementary businesses who you can mutually refer potential clients with. Network actively with industry professionals and join relevant business events to broaden your professional circle. Being an active referrer is one of the best ways of being referred yourself. Many of the major business networks build their ethos around the assumption that mutual support is better than asking without giving back.

Don’t wait for referrals to happen organically. Actively cultivate them as a core component of your business development strategy. By consistently delivering excellent service, strategically requesting referrals, and nurturing strong client relationships, you’ll establish a steady stream of qualified leads, ensuring your company’s long-term growth and sustainability. Remember, satisfied clients are your most valuable marketing asset. By leveraging their trust and positive experiences, you’ll cultivate a thriving referral program and secure a steady flow of new business.

At YBDT we work with SMEs across a wide range of industries. Our sales enablement support starts from the assumption that buying choices are made based on strong relationships. Working with many clients over the last fifteen years we have learnt that real value lies in improving sales conversion. Get in touch to book a discovery call today and book the conversation that transforms your sales.

Why specific is terrific

Have you ever played darts? As a beginner you can find yourself throwing darts randomly, and if you’re lucky you might hit the board eventually. You will however waste a lot of energy getting to the target. In business, this equates to marketing to everyone and hoping for sales. But there’s a better way: defining your target market.

A target market is the specific group of people most likely to benefit from your product or service. They share similar characteristics, needs, and desires. By understanding your target market, you can create closely targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with them, leading to increased sales and brand loyalty. Unlike B2C marketing, where you might target a broad demographic, B2B involves specific companies with unique needs and decision-making processes. Understanding these nuances is crucial.

Targeting the right audience is vital for several reasons:

  • Focused Marketing Efforts: By knowing exactly who you’re talking to, you can tailor your messaging and channels to resonate with their specific challenges and goals.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Limited marketing budgets demand strategic use of resources. Targeting the right companies ensures you’re not wasting time and money on unqualified leads.
  • Stronger Customer Relationships: When you understand your target market’s pain points, you can develop solutions that truly address their needs, fostering deeper and more profitable client relationships.

Before diving into the work of defining your market, you need to understand your own business. Consider your business’s core purpose. What problems are you solving for your potential clients? What value are you offering to their business? This foundation will guide you towards the people who need your solutions the most.

Here are some key factors to consider when defining your ideal customer:

  • Industry: Which industries are most likely to benefit from your product or service?
  • Company size: Are you targeting small startups, large enterprises, or somewhere in between?
  • Budget: What is the typical budget range for your solution within your target companies?
  • Decision-makers: Who has the authority to purchase your product or service? Understanding their role and priorities is crucial.
  • Needs and challenges: What specific pain points does your solution address for your target market?
  • Buying preferences: Businesses in every sector have their own specific ways that they prefer to buy. You need to know what that is for your chosen markets.
  • Growth stage: Are you targeting established businesses or those in a high-growth phase with specific needs?

Don’t make assumptions about your target market. You will most likely have some of the valuable resources to inform your target market definition already to hand in your business.

  • Customer Analytics: Analyse your current customer base to identify commonalities. Segment them based on industry, size, and buying behaviour.
  • Market Research Reports: Industry reports can provide valuable insights into industry trends, the active participant, and potential customer demographics.
  • Competitor Analysis: Who are your competitors and who are they targeting? Studying their marketing strategies can offer valuable clues.

As you gather data, your buyer persona will evolve. Be prepared to refine it as you gain deeper insights. The more you understand your target market, the more effective your B2B marketing efforts will be. Remember, defining your target market is an ongoing process. As your business grows and the market shifts, revisit and refine your buyer persona to stay on target for success.

At YBDT we work with SMEs across a wide range of industries. Our sales enablement support provides starts from the assumption that buying choices are made based on strong relationships and a clear understanding of your target market. A clear sales and marketing strategy is an essential step towards achieving growth in your business. YBDT will help you craft the overarching plan, without which activity will lack focus and outcomes will be harder to measure.

Get in touch to book a discovery call today and book the conversation that transforms your sales.

Why a staged approach to business development benefits your business

One of the big truisms of business is the need to have a strong marketing and sales strategy. But for many SMEs, the resources and expertise required to develop and execute such a strategy can be out of reach, at least at early stages of their growth.

This is where a staged approach to business development can be helpful. This involves breaking down your marketing and sales efforts into smaller, more manageable steps, and sourcing appropriate support at each stage of your business journey. This allows you to start with the basics and gradually add more complexity as you grow your ability and resources. Here are the key advantage of this approach:

Flexibility and Scalability:

A staged approach to business development allows you to choose support that aligns with your current needs and budget. In the early days of a business knowledge about the basic how, where, and what of sales and marketing may be lacking. So, help with creating sales collateral (case studies, brochures, or email templates), and support with building a clear sales and marketing strategy will give you the jumping off point you need. As the business evolves, your support can adapt to address new challenges and opportunities. This ensures you’re always getting the most relevant assistance. Content Marketing campaigns, LinkedIn, and telemarketing are natural second steps. With growth comes the need to outsource lead generation and nurturing, freeing up your expert team to close deals and support existing clients.


By applying the limited resources that you will inevitably have in the early days of a business, to the specific services you need at that time you avoid the upfront, and ongoing, costs of hiring specialist staff who may not be fully utilised. By focusing on your specific needs and goals, staged support can deliver a better return on your investment. By having a well-developed strategy from the start, one which anticipates the stages of growth you will go through, you can allocate resources to activities that are most likely to generate leads and conversions.

Expertise and Guidance:

At each stage of your business development, you can benefit from the expertise of experienced sales and marketing professionals who will fit into the niches that work for you at that time. Most importantly you can benefit from guidance on developing effective sales and marketing strategies aligned with your business goals from people who have done it before and know where the pitfalls are.

Efficiency and Focus:

You started your business because you have a passion for it. Using the right support for each step of the journey means you can focus on the aspects of your business that fill your passion, while the sales and marketing is cared for by others whose passion is business development. With a well-defined plan, the right people in place working on targeted campaigns, you can achieve better results with less effort.

At YBDT we work with SMEs of all sizes across a wide range of industries. All of them benefit from our business development support. One of our key aims is to be able to support businesses in the ways they need and want. Which is we developed our staged approach to business development support. This method has supported sustainable development for countless companies over the last decade and a half. Get in touch to book a discovery call today and book the call that starts your journey to growth.

Sales enablement – what does it actually mean?

Sales enablement is about equipping your sales team with the right resources and skills to successfully engage with buyers and close deals. It is a strategic and ongoing process that aims to remove obstacles hindering your sales team’s success. It’s about providing them with the right tools, knowledge, and support to confidently and effectively engage with customers and generate profitable sales.

We can break down sales enablement into three areas. The first of these is providing the resources that will empower your team. Content, such as product brochures, case studies, presentations, and videos, as well as supporting materials such as marketing emails, is the base on which all sales plans are built. Tools such CRM systems, and other technology solutions streamline workflows, automate tasks, and provide data-driven insights to improve sales performance. The goal is to provide technology that streamlines the sales process and helps reps stay organised and productive. Ongoing training programs equip the team with the knowledge, skills, and best practices needed to effectively navigate the sales process and handle customer interactions.

Which leads us to the second aspect of sales enablement. The processes that will take initial interest to an order. Implementing a structured sales process ensures a consistent and effective approach to engaging with prospects and closing deals. Providing a steady flow of qualified leads helps sales teams focus their efforts on the most promising opportunities. Establishing a coaching and mentoring culture within your sales team allows for continuous learning and development, leading to improved performance.

The third point, and perhaps the most important, is that effective selling is a process of building and developing relationships. To yield results the nurturing process need to be made specific and based on a clear understanding of the prospects. Many companies fail to grasp this and let go of the process too soon, allowing sales to slip from their grasp. Aligning your sales and marketing efforts is crucial for developing strong business relationships. When these two areas work together seamlessly, they create a unified customer experience that promotes trust and loyalty for existing clients and gives prospects the insight into your business that they need to buy from you. This is a big area and deserves a blog to itself.

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) will tell you how effective your sales enablement work is, or if processes need to be adjusted. Using the data collected from client interactions to identify areas for improvement and adjust your sales enablement strategy allows for continuous optimisation and growth.

YBDT’s sales enablement programme is built on our own experience of lead generation and improving sales conversion for our clients. By helping you build an understanding of your markets and then creating the processes that support your sales growth we can support you in creating content, generating, and nurturing prospects and guiding your team towards improved sales conversion.

YBDT’s business development process has supported sustainable development for countless companies over the last decade and a half. Get in touch to book a discovery call today and book the call that starts your journey to growth.

What makes a business development plan strategic?

We have applied the teachings of military theorists to business since the time of Sun Tzu. When thinking about our business development plans one of the most useful quotes comes from Heinrich von Bülow, ‘Strategy is the science of military movements outside the enemy’s range of view, tactics within it’.

So, in business,

  • Tactics are how we carry out our business development.  for example, Emails, telemarketing, content, or social media.
  • Strategy is what supports these activities internally, away from the client’s view.  For example, preparing to communicate effectively with target audiences and making sure the business is ready to take on new customers.

There are some key elements that makes a business development plan strategic:

Clear Vision and Goals

A strategic business development plan begins with a clear understanding of the company’s overall vision. What does the organisation aspire to achieve? These overarching goals serve as the compass, guiding the company’s strategic direction and decision-making.

Comprehensive Market Analysis

A strategic plan must be grounded in a thorough understanding of the industry, market trends, and the competition. This involves conducting market research, analysing competitor strategies, evaluating consumer behaviour, and identifying emerging opportunities. By understanding the external environment, businesses can proactively position themselves for success.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Strategic business development is not about guesswork. A strategic business development plan should incorporate data analytics to inform decision-making. This includes tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), analysing market trends, and understanding customer behaviour. By understanding the data, businesses can optimise strategies, identify areas for improvement, and allocate resources effectively.

Resource Allocation

Sustainable growth requires effective resource allocation. The plan should clearly define the resources required, financial, human, and technology, and outline how these resources will be allocated efficiently. This assessment will help you identify areas where you may need to invest or partner with others to support your growth initiatives.

Implementation Plan

A well-crafted implementation plan outlines the steps involved in executing your strategies, assigning responsibilities, and allocating resources. It should include timelines, milestones, and success metrics to track progress. It is essential to identify and mitigate potential risks that could upset your plans. Contingency planning, expecting the unexpected, is vital to ensure the successful execution of your business development strategy.

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation

Business development is a continuous process. You will need to consider how you will monitor progress, evaluate the effectiveness of strategies, and make the necessary adjustments. This ensures that the organisation remains on track towards achieving its goals.

One important point that we only briefly touched on its collaboration and partnership. You may well not have all the resources and skills with the business to carry out your strategy. By working with YBDT’s proven sales enablement process you firstly have our support to create a finely tuned business development strategy. We will guide you towards the overarching plan that touches each part of your customers’ journey.

You then also have the option of using our team of experienced professionals to support the implementation of that plan will ensure that you have the best opportunity to convert prospects to loyal long-term clients.

YBDT’s business development process has supported sustainable development for countless companies over the last decade and a half. Get in touch to book a discovery call today and book the call that starts your journey to growth.

Why the buying journey is not linear

The customer’s buying journey was historically seen as a straight line, with perhaps a few twists in it. The client arrived at the start and left at the end of the process. Contrary to this belief, several factors mean that you can’t assume that your clients’ progress through your sales process will be linear:

  1. Customers are complex and unpredictable.
  2. They are influenced by a variety of factors, including their needs, wants, emotions, and experiences.
  3. Many of the customer experiences in the B2C world are now influencing behavior in B2B settings.

Customers have more information and choice than ever before. Thanks in part to the easy availability of information and comparisons online, customers can easily research products and services from multiple sources before making a purchase. This gives them more control over the buying process and allows them to move back and forth between different stages of the buying process at their own pace, often with multiple potential suppliers. A customer who is new to a particular product category may need to spend more time researching and learning about their options, before committing to later parts of a sales process.

External factors can also affect your clients’ willingness to make the buying decision. Unexpected events, such as a change in market circumstances or other reasons why budgets would reduce will alter their ability to buy. Many purchases can be quite complex. Personally, a car or a house, or in business, a capital spend may mean that customers go through a longer and more involved buying process. They may want to gather more information, compare different options, and negotiate with sellers. This can lead to a more non-linear buying journey, as they may find themselves involved in different stages of the sales processes of several vendors.    

All this means that your sales process has to be sophisticated enough to provide content and support at every stage of the journey. Make sure that customers have access to the information they need at each stage, whether they are researching a product, comparing different options, or making a purchase decision. Collect data on customer behaviour and use this data to refine your marketing and sales strategies. Above all, be responsive to customer feedback. Listen to what your customers are saying and use their feedback to improve your products, services, and customer experience, and those of your competitors.

We all need to be aware of the non-linear nature of the customer buying journey and adapt our marketing and sales strategies accordingly. This means being present on the channels that your customers use and providing them with the information they need at every stage of the journey. It also means being flexible and responsive to customer needs, even if it means changes to your own internal sales processes.

Work with YBDT to create a clear structured sales process. We will give you the overarching plan that touches each part of the customer journey. Using our team of experienced professionals to support your implementation of that plan will ensure that you have the best opportunity to convert prospects to loyal long-term clients. YBDT’s business development process has supported sustainable development for countless companies over the last decade and a half. Get in touch to book a discovery call today and book the call that starts your journey to growth.

Take your business development temperature

We’ve asked the question, “what sort of lead generation do you need” around different market sectors and targets, but how do you get started on your business development journey at an early stage of your business?  The temperature you apply to your lead generation is related to the budget and resources you have available, as well as where you are in your business’s life story. You can turn the heat up or down depending on seasonal factors, your growth plans or market conditions.

Gas mark 1 – Getting the basics right.

Smaller businesses or ones that are at an early stage of their development need to build the strategy, collateral (case studies, brochures, email sequences), and data that will help you progress. The most important part of any business development campaign is creating a viable strategy. Defining your target markets, looking for opportunities for growth within them, and agreeing campaign goals will help you build a firm platform for success. Once you start seeing tangible results from your lead generation effort you will be able to progress to the next stage of your growth. If you put the basic building blocks for sales success in place early on, they will last you for the lifetime of the business.

Gas Mark 3 – The first step into external support.

You may find that your growth expectations quickly outstrip your ability to create new customers internally. At this point outsourcing lead generation activity will enable you to allocate your own resources to where they will be most valuable, nurturing and closing new clients. Identifying and connect with potential prospects through LinkedIn, and creating content that raises brand awareness and strengthens relationships can be outsourced, often more cheaply than they can be carried out internally. Taking the first steps into proactive marketing, such as direct email campaigns are often better taken with support from an expert.

Gas Mark 6 – Outsourced Business Development

Once your lead generation activities are bearing fruit you will need to consider how you will maintain a pipeline of new prospects to maintain existing revenue levels and continue to grow in line with your objectives for the business. At this point your own sales team will be best employed solidifying relationships with existing clients, and nurturing prospects who are close to a buying decision. Pouring new leads into your lead generation process, and then cultivating until they are ready to be passed on to your specialist sales team to close.

YBDT’s staged support mirrors these steps, enabling you to warm your business development up as the business grows. Our 15 years’ experience of supporting business in many sectors means that we have seen and solved most of the issues that business will face. The first tier of our staged support package includes extensive mentoring and support along with skills development workshops that will put your team on track. The second tier of support introduces the content and data driven components of the YBDT service, paving the way for you be ready to turn the heat up to the full YBDT business development process that has supported sustainable growth for countless companies over the last decade and a half. Get in touch to book a discovery call today and take the temperature on your lead generation campaign.

Managing lead generation for your renewal clients

Renewal clients are existing customers who have already bought products or services from you that have a renewal date or contract end point. As well as ensuring that the renewal is secured, managing your contact with these clients involves identifying opportunities to add additional services to your current customers. As Lewis Howes points out, “It’s almost always easier to sell to an existing customer base than to find a new one.”                       

Managing lead generation for your renewal clients involves a combination of tactics and strategies that are focused on retaining and expanding your existing client base.

Analysis: The first step is to identify which clients are most likely to renew their contracts, which ones have the potential to expand their business with you, and which ones are at risk of leaving. From there you can determine the best tactics for approaching each segment of your client portfolio.

Connection: To avoid clients falling into the “at risk of leaving” segment they need to feel valued and appreciated by your company. Staying in touch with your clients regularly through check-in calls, personalised emails, newsletters, and other channels will keep you in their mind and open to hearing extra sales messages from you.

Planning: Develop a plan that outlines the actions you will take to achieve your renewal goals. This plan should include communication strategies, and product offerings that suit each of your identified segments.

Refinement: Renewals are a continuous cycle, not just for a single year. Using data acquired from one sales cycle to guide decision-making for future campaigns.

By effectively managing lead generation for renewal clients, you can increase customer loyalty, retention, and revenue. Our new favourite business quote comes from sales expert (and sister of Robert for the music fans) Patricia Fripp. “It is not your customer’s job to remember you, it is your obligation and responsibility to make sure they don’t have the chance to forget you.” Growing your business with YBDT’s effective approach to outreach will give you a clear blueprint for success and ensure that your renewal clients don’t get the chance to forget you.

We are more than a lead generation company and focus on supporting the creation of an effective strategy for finding and then developing leads with your existing clients and new prospects. Using our highly experienced team to nurture your clients through regular contact will leave you in the ideal position to capitalise on the opportunity to renew and extend your relationship with them when the time is right.

After years of building sustainable effective marketing for our clients we have a toolbox of techniques and insights into market sectors and prospect behaviour that make YBDT the ideal choice to support your lead generation. Get in touch to book a discovery call that is the first step to your business growth.

Why applying empathy is key to your sales conversion?

‘You cant understand someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.’

The person who first uttered this American saying is lost to history. The fact that it’s so well known is a good indication of the importance of empathy in living a meaningful life. It is also an important lesson to remember when approaching the planning of lead generation campaigns.

When I launched Your Business Development Team all those years ago, one of the first things I did was to ask business owners within my target markets what were their key issues with lead  generation. Many said that they found it frustrating because the campaigns rarely provided them with sales; they got leads but very few of them converted. This fact was fundamental to the development of our key USP, which is the provision of a long term lead generation and nurturing service designed to support our clients along their sales journey and beyond initial lead generation activity.

Making sure you understand firstly, who your target markets are, and secondly what their key issues are within your area of expertise, is key to your sales success. Earlier in the month, we wrote about understanding the right lead generation for you. Our key point was that you needed to understand how people bought your product to get a better understanding of how you should approach your lead generation campaign. Today, I want to explore how you can go further down this road to improve your product and sales conversion.

Consider what you currently do to understand your prospects’ problems. Do you,

  • Make assumptions based on your market knowledge?
  • Run surveys or focused groups?
  • Read books, research and articles?
  • Ask questions to improve your understanding?

Based on my conversations with many business owners, I would guess that most of us stick to making assumptions and these are often correct. After all, if you have been operating in an industry for many years, you tend to get a good understanding of it. But relying solely on assumptions can be dangerous for a number of reasons including:

  1. Market conditions change and industries adapt
  2. Assumptions can be over simplified or too general
  3. We can often become biased by our own offering

Another problem, is that people involved in selling often overestimate their preservation abilities and rely heavily on relationship building instead of getting a better understanding of their prospects true motivation to buy. People who talk about sales enablement often talk about understanding pain and asking pain questions. As you might know, this relates to the status quo bias which claims that most people are unlikely to make a change unless they are forced there. Simply put, this means that true motivation, the holy grail of sales conversion, depends heavily on our prospects’ issues. This means that by understanding their problems better we can achieve two important outcomes:

  1. Improving our solution and increasing our chances of a sale
  2. Improving our ability to understand the odds for sales success

Yet asking pain questions is not easy, particularly if you are a people pleaser, a common trait amongst relationship builders. It also requires us to listen carefully and apply empathy, being prepared to alter our understanding and start again. Putting this together with how overworked and busy many of us are and you get to a point where all of this becomes a step too far. Which is why so many sales end up with companies choosing to keep with the status quo and keep with what they have already got.

This is not so bad if you operate in a high demand environment where you attract many leads and can afford to convert only 20-30% of them. It becomes more important if you are struggling to find many leads because your offering is high end, very specific or a new product. So if you are placed with the latter, when you are considering your next lead generation campaign take some time to go beyond your initial assumptions of the problems troubling your prospects:

  • Talk to your current clients and contacts
  • Read related articles and analyse data
  • Put together some key pain questions
  • Make sure you ask them and listen carefully to the answers

This will not only improve your conversation rate, it will also help you ensure that your product is current and relevant to your future clients. If you need help understanding how to include this in your current sales practice, get in touch.